Dreamhost Affiliate Marketing Program Review


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If you are looking to make extra income from your blog, website or social media channel then joining the Dreamhost Affiliate Program and referring your readers to Dreamhost for web hosting can earn you a tidy little sum.

Web Hosting companies pay out good bounties if you send them business, and Dreamhost is no exception.

If you didn’t know already, Dreamhost is a hosting company powering over 1.5 million websites, above all, they are also one of the vendors explicitly recommended by WordPress.

Is the Dreamhost Affiliate Program an ideal fit for you to promote?

Is this a good fit for me?

It’s up for you to decide if the Affiliate Program is a good fit for you, but if any segment of your target audience is considering setting up a website or blog then the answer is probably “Yes”. Or, maybe they are looking to change their web hosting provider?

Send them to Dreamhost and earn money for the referral.

By the way, the Affiliate Program is available globally, not just to Australians and financial numbers are quoted in US Dollars.

How Much Does Dreamhost Pay For A Referral?

Dreamhost will pay you a commission of between $15 and $150 for every single referral that converts to a paying customer. The amount paid depends on which hosting plan the referred person takes out.

To get a rough idea of what you are promoting as a Dreamhost affiliate, click here to check out the various web hosting plans and up to date prices.

The Dreamhost Cookie

When you sign up for the Dreamhost Affiliate Program, you are provided with a unique tracking link. The link contains a unique Affiliate ID, so the merchant knows you sent traffic arriving on their website.

You use the tracking link on your website or social media to direct visitors to the merchant’s website.

The merchant (Dreamhost) stores your affiliate ID in a tiny text file (known as a cookie) in the visitor’s web browser. Cookies are used to track website visitors.

Cookie Expiry
How long a Cookie lasts can make a big difference to your bottom line

Every cookie has an expiry date; likewise, Dreamhost puts a 30 Day Expiry on their cookie.

What this means in simple terms, is that if the person you referred purchases a hosting plan within 30 days then you get credited with the sale. The credit happens even if they didn’t click your link during future visits.

The period is known as the “Cookie Life” and 30 days is fairly average.

How and When Do You Get Paid?

Dreamhost pays commissions using Paypal, and you will be looking at a period of approximately 97 days before the money ends up in your hands.

The period of delay is to protect the merchant against chargebacks and refunds. The time-frame is not unusual and similar to other web hosting affiliate programs.

Dreamhost Affiliate Program (in a nutshell)

Merchant Information:
Dreamhost – click to view
Program Type:
Cost Per Sale (CPS) – You earn a commission when the merchant makes a sale.
Dreamhost offers a single tier affiliate program.
Earnings / Commission:
Commissions range from $15 to $150 and are “bounty payments”. Bounty payments are one-off payments rather than recurring income. The size of the commission depends on the value of the plan taken out by the referred person.
Payment Schedule:
Commissions are paid out approximately 97 days after sign-up.
Payment Method:
Dreamhost pays commissions via PayPal.
Cookie Life:
The Dreamhost Cookie Life is 30 Days.
Affiliate Marketing Materials / Training:
Dreamhost offers a range of banners and links to assist you with your promotional activities.
Financial Investment Required:
None. The Affiliate Program costs nothing to join, and there are no hidden costs or expenses.

Who are Dreamhost? What would I be promoting?


DreamHost was initially founded in 1997 as the New Dream Network while its founders were still undergraduates at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California. Since those early days, the business had evolved into one of the world’s best known and larger web hosting providers.

Your role as an “affiliate” of Dreamhost is to refer people to their website. If any of those people make a purchase then you get a commission.

Dreamhost provide a range of packages:

Shared Hosting
Shared Web Hosting gives you a free domain name, fast SSD storage and email hosting for your website, so its a good option for entry level.

WordPress Hosting
Get up and running fast with WordPress. The WordPress package is optimized for performance and preconfigured for easy maintenance.

VPS Hosting
Dreamhost offers Virtual Private Servers with ultra-fast SSDs and flexibility with HTTP/2, Ubuntu, IPv6, Nginx, Node.js and more.

Website Builder
Easily create your own website with Remixer. Select a theme, customize it and get online!

Dedicated Hosting
Fast web servers to run your applications with root access and a 100% Uptime Guarantee.

Cloud Hosting
Lightning-fast servers with root access, SSD storage and blazing-fast networking powered by open APIs through OpenStack.

The target audience is large for the range of products offered.

Dreamhost Reputation

Dreamhost Trustpilot

Dreamhost has an excellent reputation according to online reviews. A TrustScore of 9.1 on Trustpilot is phenomenal for a web host.

Alternatives to the Dreamhost Affiliate Program

If this kind of affiliate program floats your boat, then check out reviews of similar schemes offered by other web hosts.

17 thoughts on “Dreamhost Affiliate Marketing Program Review”

  1. Thank you so much for this post. I am a new blogger. And this post was very informative to me. I think I would soon try it.

  2. Holiii !!
    Right now I’m not interested in monetizing my blog, but I’ll consider your post and if I decide to do it.
    Good day!!

  3. Such a great and very informative post. This can be very helpful especially for starting with affiliate program.

  4. Thank you for sharing. Such a post I needed today. Spending my week now looking for an affiliate program to start with

  5. This sounds like a nice way for a Dreamhost user to make extra income from their blog. I don’t currently use Dreamhost services and my service provider doesn’t have an affiliate program so it is something to consider when my plan comes up for renewal in 6 months.

  6. I would definitely be curious into looking into using them as an affiliate program. Trying to get used to the ones I am already on so I will probably wait a bit but it does make me curious.

  7. That was such a great content, nice tips on how to start with affiliate program. I will definitely share this with my friends.


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